Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First Day of School

I can not believe my baby is already in Pre-School. Since he is still only 3 I pick him up at half day. I cried like a baby the first day I dropped him off.

Six Flags San Antonio

Brandon and Quincy were pretty excited to get this pic.
One of the few rides that all three boys could ride.

Win and Nate on the "mini teacups"

Nate on the little kids ride.

Quincy taking a slow ride with Nate.

Sea World San Antonio

We had a great time on our yearly day at Sea World. Thanks Budweiser for the "Salute to the Heros!"
Nate loved playing in this little pool. Maybe next year he will be tall enough to join the big boys on a real water slide.

Feeding the dolphins is always our favorite.

Win's Fall 09 Soccer Season

He was the smallest kid on the team but the fastest!

Garden Harvests

My tomatoes did fantastic!
We had more eggplant than the boys really wanted to eat.

I had more peppers than I could ever use. I had to share with neighbors.

Waco Zoo

Lexi spent a few days at our house over the summer. We took her to the Waco zoo with us.
Win was not happy about taking this picture.