Monday, September 08, 2008

Dino Cake

The cake that I made for Joe and Eva's baby shower.

Jackie VS the Oak Tree

We had a large oak tree in the front yard that was almost dead due to mistletoe and carpenter ants. I recently had to go ahead and cut it down with a chain saw.
This is a partial pile of limbs to be picked up by bulk trash.
This is the stump that I have left.
I brought enough firewood to my Dad to completely fill the back of my truck!!
Some of my neighbors now think I am crazy for cutting the tree down and apart myself.

First day of school

Quincy and Win pose for the mandatory first day of school picture complete with new haircuts, new shoes, lunchbox and book bag. Quincy is now a big 2nd grader and Win has started Kindergarten.

Nate and his buddies.

Polly, Gracie and Nate still love snack time. He loves to sit and feed them one piece at a time. Polly and Gracie do a good job of keeping Nate entertained while his brothers are in school.

More Soccer Pics

More pics of the boys in action.

Little Carpenters

Quincy and Win working hard on their tree house. I must admit that they did very well with the hammer.

My Superhero

Like Win, Nate loves to dress up and play pretend - especially if he can be a superhero!!