Sunday, December 30, 2007

Santa Arrived!!

We drove home to Copperas Cove from Ennis on Christmas Day. The boys were very excited to walk in and see that Santa had come while we were gone. That morning we had given Quincy a small can with a lump of coal inside that said from Santa so he was worried if there would be anything under the tree from him. Above it is obvious he visited as they show off their stocking loot.

Pure excitement!
Quincy tries out the new basketball goal.
Checking out the trampoline.
Win opens his Power Ranger motorcycle.
Nate got a new dump truck.

Opening Gifts

Pop-Pop helps Win with his transformer.
The boys show off their gifts from Grampa Foshee and Grandma Irma.
Nate works slow and steady.
The boys open the gifts that they bought for eachother at the Santa Shop at school.
Nate hard at work again.

The Cutest Penguin

Quincy's class did the "Penguin dance" in the Christmas Program at their school this year.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Christmas Card Picture

Trying to get three little boys to all cooperate and smile at the same time can be quite a challenge. Here are a few of the pics that did not make it.

The picture that made it into the Christmas Card.

Being Silly

Nate's First Haircut

The "Before" picture.
Nate refused to sit alone in the barber's chair.
The "After" with his lollipop from the barber.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Recent cakes

Birthday cake for my nephew.
Christmas party cake.
Cake for Thanksgiving dinner at a friends house.

1st Party of the Season

The boys enjoyed their 1st Christmas party of the season. After getting their gifts from Santa they quickly claimed the floor to race cars.

The Grandkids

After about 30 shots this was the best we could do. Getting all six to smile at the same time was impossible.

Indian Win

Win in his PreK Thanksgiving celebration outfit.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stealing Breakfast

Nate always climbs into Win's chair the moment Win gets down to steal whatever breakfast he can.


Cake for Company Fall Festival.
Change of Command Cake.


I am soo behind on posting. Downtown Copperas Cove Halloween fest.
Nate in the mandatory Pooh costume.
The boys with their loot at the end of the night.
Quincy and Win give me one last pose.


Here are the boys with the pumpkins. As usual, Win's is smiling and Quincy's is growling. Win was in tears two days later because the deer ate his pumpkin.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Cakes

Practice cake.
Chocolate party cake for client.
Cake for another battalion's event.

Shane's Promotion

Shane recently recieved his promotion to 1st LT. He asked me to do his pinning.

Hiking at Pedernales Falls

Family pic at the bottom of the falls.
Shane and the boys after a long hike right up to the falls. It was very sunny.

More Camping at Pedernales Falls

Win rides the river current. Hey, who needs a tube when you are small enough to float?
Nate spent the afternoon tossing rocks.
Quincy did well on his own.
They conquered the rock.
Hanging out by the campfire.

Monday, October 01, 2007

1st Army cake

My first cake for an army event. A welcome cake for the Brigade Commanders Wife.

Soccer Party

The boys get thier trophies.

The team celebrates.
The cake I made for the team.