Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Airborne Jumpers

Shane and Win above the tree tops on their tandem jump. Win jumped twice with Shane and once with Jackie.
Quincy soaring alone. He jumped SIX times and would have kept going if we did not stop for lunch!
The boys got the chance to jump from the 34 foot Airborne tower at the Airborne Fall Fest this weekend. They loved it. They posed for me in their harnesses before they climbed the tower behind them.

Friday, September 22, 2006

At Calloway Gardens

Nates first time to sit on grass. He thought it was pretty cool.
Quincy and Win in front of the dragon.
Quincy lets a bug get really close at the insect encounter.

Eating Octopus

The boys love to eat at our favorite Chinese resturant here in town. They even enjoy eating the boiled octopus!!!

Nate and Emma

Nate wants to play with Emma so badly and she is just not real interested. (These are Shane's legs!)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Platoon Pool Party

All of us enjoying a hot Georgia afternoon at Shane's IOBC Platoon pool party.

IOBC DIning In

Shane with members of his platoon at the IOBC Dining In. Don't they all look hot in their Dress Blues!!

Dancing the night away.

We attended a wedding for one of Shane's friends from Officer School. It was a beautiful military wedding. The reception afterward was a blast and Quincy and I danced until almost midnight!!

Hanging out

Q and Win hanging out together. Now that Quincy is in school all day they appreciate their time together a little more.

Enjoying his Toys

Nate has completely mastered sitting on his own and loves to sit on the floor and play with his toys. He loves it even more when his brothers get down on the floor with him to play!