Thursday, November 05, 2009

Quincy can really get down!!

My cousin Misty got video of the kids dancing at the Nors Reunion. The Dance Off #1 is Quincy dancing. The Dance Off #2 has my nephew Aaron dancing during the first half and Nate dancing during the second. Both videos are funny but Quincy really gets down!!!

YouTube - misty0211's Channel

Monday, November 02, 2009

PopPop's Birthday

My Dad turned 60 this year. We had lunch in Dallas at Hoffbrou Steakhouse in West End to celebrate. He posed with Quincy, Win, Nate, Aaron and Lexi before we left.

The boys hanging out in downtown Dallas.


Polly and Gracie in their costumes.

Quincy of course has to be something scary. Win wanted to be a storm trooper. We already had a storm trooper costume - we just lost the mask - so Shane bought him a cool helmet. We just called him a bobble head storm trooper. Nate was very excited to be a dragon and roared well.

Garden pics

I built this arbor with a bench with my Home Depot gift cards that I got from Shane for Christmas last year. This garden bed was built early this spring. Last year the grass went all the way to the house.

Above and below are pics of the arbor that I posted last year at this time. Last year it was just started. This is how it looks now that it is done. Hopefully it will not take the wisteria too long to grow up and over the top.

This is the pond that I put in last fall. There was not much planted around it then. The beds have filled in nice in the last year.

Win lost his first tooth.

Win finally lost his first tooth. He lost it biting into an apple. The one next to it was loose first and the next day he asked Shane to help him pull that one out also.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First Day of School

I can not believe my baby is already in Pre-School. Since he is still only 3 I pick him up at half day. I cried like a baby the first day I dropped him off.

Six Flags San Antonio

Brandon and Quincy were pretty excited to get this pic.
One of the few rides that all three boys could ride.

Win and Nate on the "mini teacups"

Nate on the little kids ride.

Quincy taking a slow ride with Nate.

Sea World San Antonio

We had a great time on our yearly day at Sea World. Thanks Budweiser for the "Salute to the Heros!"
Nate loved playing in this little pool. Maybe next year he will be tall enough to join the big boys on a real water slide.

Feeding the dolphins is always our favorite.

Win's Fall 09 Soccer Season

He was the smallest kid on the team but the fastest!

Garden Harvests

My tomatoes did fantastic!
We had more eggplant than the boys really wanted to eat.

I had more peppers than I could ever use. I had to share with neighbors.

Waco Zoo

Lexi spent a few days at our house over the summer. We took her to the Waco zoo with us.
Win was not happy about taking this picture.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Zilker Gardens

Zilker Botanical Gardens

Leaving the Prehistoric garden.
The boys look onto the island in the prehistoric garden from both sides.

The boys loved this dinosaur in the childrens garden. They told me that I need to plant one in our yard!!

Zilker Dino Dig

We took the boys to the Zilker Park Dino Dig. It was the compromise for them going to the gardens with me. They enjoyed digging up dino bones but it was hot and they did not dig very long.