Monday, May 25, 2009

Playing in the yard.

Nate in the sprinkler.
Nate and his buddy Brayden getting wet.

Nate and his friends, Wyatt and Hannah, play in the yard in the sprinkler.

The veggie garden.

A frog or toad laid eggs in my small pond and I had to get rid of some of the tadpoles. This is just the first of many jars of tadpoles we fished out.

The number of pea pods it takes to make enough peas for a meal!! This year I was able to harvest several meals worth before the boys got to them!
A few of the onions.

One of my cabbages. My cabbage grew huge and tasted fantastic! I am so glad that the fence has kept the deer out. We have really enjoyed eating from the garden! We also grew broccoli and cauliflower, salad greens, radishes, beets, red skin potatoes, swiss chard and collard greens. We are just now starting to eat from the warmer season crops.

Quincy turns 8!

Quincy blowing out his candles.
Quincy was in a lot of trouble right before his birthday. He was told that he had to give up the cool cake or his birthday gift. He, of course, chose to get his gift so his cake was undecorated. It was hard to do to him but hopefully he learned a lesson!

Field Trips

Alligator at the Zoo - the favorite of the group of boys I was with.

Nate with the Rhinos.
Win and Nate with the Giraffe. I was able to go to the Zoo with Win's Kindergarten class and the Museum with Quincy's 2nd grade class. Nate was a tag-a-long on both.

Nate and Quincy in the Pioneer room at the museum.

Quincy trying out a saddle at the museum.


Lexi was here on Easter and colored eggs with the boys.

Nate hunting at Grandma's house.

The boys checking out thier loot at Grandma's house.

Nate hunting at the Battalion Egg Hunt.

Win's Spring 09 Soccer

The team pic.

Win's coach called him "Little Beckham." He can be pretty competitive when he plays.